
Final Interment

Final Interment

Ground Burial

For a traditional in-ground burial, your family can choose between different estate lots, multiple space lots, or single-space graves available at local cemeteries. We’ll walk you through the burial grounds in our community, and help you find an option that fits your needs, budget, and personal preferences.


Mausoleums are available at many local cemeteries and provide space for above-ground entombment of physical remains within a beautiful structure on the cemetery grounds. Your family can choose to use their own private structure, or share space in a community mausoleum.

Cremation Options

Whether you decide to keep your loved one’s cremated remains at home, spread them in a cherished location, or inter them in a garden, statue, or other memorial property, there is no right or wrong when it comes to honoring their life.

We have a wide selection of elegant and beautiful urns. We also can provide you with local options for the entombment of your cremation urn. Cremation niches are available within many local mausoleums, as well as in area cremation gardens and inurnment plots.

Permanent Memorialization

The funeral service is just the first step to healing and recovery. Creating a lasting tribute can give family and friends a permanent place to visit to honor and remember their loved one who has passed.

Sego Funeral Home | (270) 524-2421 | service@segofuneralhome.com
114 W. South Street, Munfordville, KY 42765

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